


Killing Vincent
2 videos
Killing Vincent, proved forensically that it was not possible for Vincent to inflict his mortal wound. If Vincent did not shoot himself in the belly (of all places), then whoever put that penetrating wound in his abdomen, murdered him!
Love And Murder
3 videos
Love and Murder, tells the sad story of why Vincent was honor killed, how he was murdered, and what was the trigger or catalyst for killing him. It also has a sneak preview of chapter one from book three.

Finally Love
2 videos
Finally Love merges infatuation, an illicit love affair, murder, and modern forensics, with a romantic coming of age, multi-decade saga. This is the story of 20-year old Marguerite Celmentine Gachet, the naive and beautiful doctor’s daughter.

Killing Vincent Project Interviews
6 videos
Dr. Arenberg has been interviewed by media and press regarding his research on Vincent van Gogh for decades.
28 videos
The historical records regarding the death of Vincent van Gogh do not note any type of black powder burns. Dr. Arenberg and his team agree that this is because the gun was fired from a distance, leading to the conclusion that Vincent was murdered and did not commit suicide.

Medical Research
8 videos
What did Vincent Feel When Experiencing an Attack of Violent Vertigo?
6 videos
Dr. Arenberg presetations of Vincent van Gogh
Van Gogh Had Ménière Disease
13 videos
Ménière's disease is an inner ear problem that can cause dizzy spells, also called vertigo, and hearing loss.
About The Author
1 video
Dr. Arenberg was involved in making the diagnosis of Meniere’s disease and not epilepsy in Vincent van Gogh in 1990 to account for his violent “attacks” and hallucinations. He was an ear doctor and a distinguished ear surgeon and Neurotologist.
Killing Vincent
2 videos
Killing Vincent, proved forensically that it was not possible for Vincent to inflict his mortal wound. If Vincent did not shoot himself in the belly (of all places), then whoever put that penetrating wound in his abdomen, murdered him!
Love And Murder
3 videos
Love and Murder, tells the sad story of why Vincent was honor killed, how he was murdered, and what was the trigger or catalyst for killing him. It also has a sneak preview of chapter one from book three.

Finally Love
2 videos
Finally Love merges infatuation, an illicit love affair, murder, and modern forensics, with a romantic coming of age, multi-decade saga. This is the story of 20-year old Marguerite Celmentine Gachet, the naive and beautiful doctor’s daughter.

Killing Vincent Project Interviews
6 videos
Dr. Arenberg has been interviewed by media and press regarding his research on Vincent van Gogh for decades.
28 videos
The historical records regarding the death of Vincent van Gogh do not note any type of black powder burns. Dr. Arenberg and his team agree that this is because the gun was fired from a distance, leading to the conclusion that Vincent was murdered and did not commit suicide.

Medical Research
8 videos
What did Vincent Feel When Experiencing an Attack of Violent Vertigo?
6 videos
Dr. Arenberg presetations of Vincent van Gogh
Van Gogh Had Ménière Disease
13 videos
Ménière's disease is an inner ear problem that can cause dizzy spells, also called vertigo, and hearing loss.
About The Author
1 video
Dr. Arenberg was involved in making the diagnosis of Meniere’s disease and not epilepsy in Vincent van Gogh in 1990 to account for his violent “attacks” and hallucinations. He was an ear doctor and a distinguished ear surgeon and Neurotologist.
Killing Vincent
2 videos
Killing Vincent, proved forensically that it was not possible for Vincent to inflict his mortal wound. If Vincent did not shoot himself in the belly (of all places), then whoever put that penetrating wound in his abdomen, murdered him!
Love And Murder
3 videos
Love and Murder, tells the sad story of why Vincent was honor killed, how he was murdered, and what was the trigger or catalyst for killing him. It also has a sneak preview of chapter one from book three.

Finally Love
2 videos
Finally Love merges infatuation, an illicit love affair, murder, and modern forensics, with a romantic coming of age, multi-decade saga. This is the story of 20-year old Marguerite Celmentine Gachet, the naive and beautiful doctor’s daughter.

Killing Vincent Project Interviews
6 videos
Dr. Arenberg has been interviewed by media and press regarding his research on Vincent van Gogh for decades.
28 videos
The historical records regarding the death of Vincent van Gogh do not note any type of black powder burns. Dr. Arenberg and his team agree that this is because the gun was fired from a distance, leading to the conclusion that Vincent was murdered and did not commit suicide.

Medical Research
8 videos
What did Vincent Feel When Experiencing an Attack of Violent Vertigo?
6 videos
Dr. Arenberg presetations of Vincent van Gogh
Van Gogh Had Ménière Disease
13 videos
Ménière's disease is an inner ear problem that can cause dizzy spells, also called vertigo, and hearing loss.
About The Author
1 video
Dr. Arenberg was involved in making the diagnosis of Meniere’s disease and not epilepsy in Vincent van Gogh in 1990 to account for his violent “attacks” and hallucinations. He was an ear doctor and a distinguished ear surgeon and Neurotologist.
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